Solar Hybrid Tracking Device
The Solar Hybrid Tracker has a rechargeable battery, power harness and internal antenna. It's ideal for trailers, pull behinds, NH3 bars, nurse trailers. It can be used as a real-time tracker pinging every 20-30 seconds or an asset tracker pinging 2 times a day.
Have you ever left a trailer in the middle of a field and had to spend valuable time searching for it? Have you had to stay late to do equipment inventories or check in on each piece of equipment and its last known location? Not only is it essential to keep track of motorized equipment, but also necessary to track your non-motorized equipment.
Now, you have heard about our real-time tracking devices, and you have heard about our asset tracking devices; but have you seen both of them combined? They are a perfect mix between a real-time and asset tracking device, with the bonus of solar panels to help keep your tracker charged longer! Unlike the asset tracker that is fully battery powered, this tracker can be wired to the trailer’s lights to act as a real-time tracker when needed.
When the Solar Hybrid tracker is not plugged in, they will ping 2x a day when sitting still. However, when moving, the Solar Hybrid tracker will ping every 5 minutes for accurate location tracking on the go. To make traveling even more effortless, when the Solar Hybrid tracker is plugged into power, it will ping every 30 seconds while in motion!
Solar Hybrid Tracker Ping Rates
On The Move
Solar Hybrid Tracking Device
The Solar Hybrid Tracker has a rechargeable battery, power harness and internal antenna. It’s ideal for trailers, pull behinds, NH3 bars, and nurse trailers. It can be used as a real-time tracker pinging every 20-30 seconds or an asset tracker pinging 2 times a day.